Product Updates
- I received a notification that a product update was complete, but the product information hasn't changed.
- I Want to Add or Change Information Listed On My Product Page
- I want to change product information/files (I made a mistake with registered info/images/files)
- I want to make slight changes to a product
- If I update a product that's already for sale, will sales be halted?
- I applied to update my product, but the contents have not been changed
Age / Type Designation
End Sales
- I set "Automatic Promotion Participation Settings" to "off" but my work has been entered into a promotion
- Discounts/Promotions FAQ
- I can't apply a discount/join a promotion
- Tell me how to set a discount
- About setting of the automatic application of promotions
- Can I Change a Discount Percentage or Discount Period After It Has Been Set?
Resume Sales
Use DLsite Like a Pro
- Announce an upcoming work
- Create a sample or trial version!
- Create a chobit (embedded samples)
- Make use of Parts
- Preparing Your Work for Sale
- Creator Settings