■Check for any issues in the full version and trial version.
Make sure all data necessary for the sale of the work is included.
Make sure you can properly see and/or hear all data within the work and that the work can be opened.
Make sure any compressed files can be extracted.
[Common Issues]
- There is data missing
- For audio works, tracks being cut short or having unwanted noise
- For games, errors that prevent running the game or advancing within it
- The full version and trial version being the same or too similar
- Uploading a work as a .clip or .sai file (please upload works as .psd files)
- The work cannot be opened or reviewed due to it being password-protected. *Please send us such passwords for the review process.
■Make sure the work is censored where necessary.
For our rules on censorship, please read our Compliance Policy or check the guide below.
Is mosaic censoring necessary for genitalia? Can black-bar or white-out censoring be used instead?
■Check for any inconsistencies between the product page, full version, and trial version.
- Ensure the work's contents are consistent with its promotional images and description.
- Ensure the selected age group aligns with the contents of the work.
For details, please check our Age / Type Designation help page, as well as the "About Target Age Group Designations" section of our Compliance Policy.
Finally, ensure all other selections (regarding target audience, supported languages, etc.) are also consistent with the contents of the work.
[Common Issues]
- The product page does not accurately describe the contents of the work (regarding the number of files, lengths of tracks, etc.)
- The value of a discount is not the same as written in the product page
- Languages that are not supported in the work have been selected as supported
- The product page contains information about a trial version, but there is no trial version registered
[Other things to watch out for]
- For CG, illustrations, and manga, please make sure to send promotional images and thumbnail images.
- For games, please make sure to set the supported OS.
- Please refrain from including any information about the review process.
- Please refrain from using the same title as a previous work.
- Please do not guide users to other sites.
■Remakes, selling parts of existing works, and re-registering past works
Regardless of the sales status of a work or the circle that registered it, remakes, version updates, and slight variations of a work cannot be registered as entirely new works. Past works also cannot be re-registered as entirely new works.
■Resale of Past Works
It is possible to reopen sales for works that are no longer on sale, excluding limited-time works.
■Remakes and Version Updates
In the case of large updates such as drastic story changes or a work getting a full voice-over, it may be possible for such updates to be registered as a new work.
■Selling Parts of Existing Works
If it were possible to sell portions of works as distinct works on their own, there would be no limit to the various combinations. As such, this is not permitted.
[Common Questions]
- (Overlapping Works) Can I register compilations or bundles of other works?
- (Overlapping Works) Can I register a remake of a work?
- I'd like to sell a work on both the HENTAI and BL/TL sites.
→It is impossible to sell a work on both sites. Please select one option or the other.
■We will not handle the following types of works.
- Works with images of real-life subjects
- Incomplete works, provisional registrations
- Free works or works with rights issues
- Works whose main contents require an Internet connection
- Works in which the tools or assets used were illegal, or their terms of use were not met
For details, please see our help article titled "What products can be sold, and how are they managed?"
■Other things to watch out for
- You cannot invite people to buy things on other sites.
Example: Writing something like "You can buy this on other sites!" in the product description. - As a general rule, you cannot register free works, or donationware.
Example: Combining the trial version with the full version. - You cannot lead people to adult sites in all-ages works.
- Please contact us if you'd like to run a celebratory gift giveaway.
- Please write the terms of use for asset packs in the product description or promotional images.
- For works that are viewed in a browser, please ensure folder and file names are 255 bytes or fewer each.
Example: AAA (folder name 255 bytes or fewer) / BBB.jpg (file name 255 bytes or fewer)
*For information about browser-based works, please click [ here ]. - For main images, thumbnails, samples, and images within the text of the product page, please use jpeg or non-transparent pngs.
When pngs are submitted, the transparent portions may display incorrectly.
Please send jpegs or pngs without an alpha channel. - If we receive an excessive number of repeated applications, we may limit the number of applications you may submit.