The following circumstances will prevent you from submitting approval for translation.
Please try submitting approval after checking these items.
- The work is not original (i.e. it's based on another property)
- The format of the work is not manga or voice/ASMR
- Manga: The file format is not jpeg, png, or pdf
- Manga: There are over 500 files in the work, the dimensions of the images exceed 10000px, or the product file is an archive.
- Voice/ASMR: The file format is not MP3/WAV/AAC/WMA/FLAC/OGG/audio
- Voice/ASMR: Contractually, the voice of the voice actor/actress for the work can not be used for sales internationally.
- The files are protected
- The files are split into multiple archives
* If for any reason the work ceases to be in compliance with the above items after submitting approval, translation permission will automatically be removed.