You may register compilations containing multiple previously registered works. However, in cases where you'd like to make the compilation cheaper than one of the included singular works, you must wait at least two months after registering the most recent singular work before registering the compilation. This is to avoid being unfair to customers who purchased one of the singular works.
The above does not apply when a compilation and one of its singular works go on sale at the same time.
When registering compilations, please include the names (and ID numbers, if possible) of all included past works.
× The compilation is cheaper than all included singular works combined:
Work A: 200 JPY, on sale from October 9th
Work B: 200 JPY, on sale from November 9th
Compilation of A and B: 100 JPY, on sale from December 9th
*This example would be okay if the compilation went on sale two months after Work B (January 9th of the next year)
✔ The price of the compilation is the same as the sum of the prices of all the singular works:
Work A: 200 JPY, on sale from October 9th
Work B: 200 JPY, on sale from November 9th
Compilation of A and B: 400 JPY, on sale from December 9th
✔ The compilation and the singular works all go on sale at the same time:
Work A: 200 JPY, on sale from November 9th at 12AM
Work B: 200 JPY, on sale from November 9th at 12AM
Compilation of A and B: 100 JPY, on sale from November 9th at 12AM
Additionally, the following circumstances will result in the registration application being rejected:
- Combining multiple existing compilations and
- registering them together as a new, single compilation
- Taking all the works included in a compilation, rearranging them, and registering them again as a new compilation
- Registering a compilation that is very similar to a previous one, or frequently registering similar ones